
Exemption permits overview

If your vehicle does not meet the emission standards and will be subject to the daily charge for the Clean Air Zone, you may be eligible for a temporary exemption.

Before applying for a temporary exemption permit:

Check your vehicle

  • Check if you are eligible and what documents you need to submit using the links below.
  • Read our Terms and Conditions and Guidance Notes.
  • If applying for a workers exemption please take a moment to read through this Model Workplace Letter which shows the information your letter should provide in support of your application.

Apply online

  • Please ensure you submit all the required documentation.
  • If information is missing, we will contact you which could mean a delay in processing your application.
  • Once you have submitted your application you will receive an automatic acknowledgement email.
  • You will be notified of the outcome of your application prior to the Clean Air Zone going live.
  • If your application is successful and has been approved your Exemption Permit will be issued closer to the launch date of the Clean Air Zone.
  • Please do not contact us for updates until you are notified as to whether your application has been approved or rejected.

We produce a monthly update on the number of exemption permits which have been approved, broken down by category and month with a cumulative total.