Bubll as
a Platform

Putting Building Occupants first by Utilising Cutting Edge Technology


Simplified Control/Monitoring of The Following Systems

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s

  • IP Cameras
  • Water & Gas Leak Detection Systems
  • Energy Monitoring Systems
  • Weather Monitoring
  • CAFM System Integration
  • IOT devices and systems
  • Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  • Environmental and Comfort conditions
  • Lighting and Shading Systems
  • Fire Alarm and Smoke Systems
  • Security and Access Control Systems

What is Bubll

Bubll is a flexible user centric platform that provides occupant interfacing and understanding by leveraging the power of modern everyday smart devices unlocking new dimensions of control, monitoring and occupant insight. Whether simple plug and play deployment via open protocol communication or integration of IOT devices and systems Bubll provides the answers.


What Does Bubll Offer?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s

Simplicity of deployment and use

Simple to navigate intuitive user interface

Automated plant performance testing

Manufacturer agnostic operation

Real time clarity of comfort conditions and requirements

Download Bubll Now And Join The Building Automation Revolution!

The Future Has Finally Arrived!

Digitise both existing and new building stock putting user emotions and requirements at the forefront in understanding operational requirements.

A multi-platform interface offering simple to configure, brandable custom user centric interface. Whether single to multi-site operation is required Bubll provides new and advanced levels of functionality in the building automation arena.

Whether local to the site or remotely based, Bubll offers secure and reliable connectivity.

User configurations are automatically stored for instant recall using state of the art remote cloud-based technology.

Unleash the power of Bublls virtual engineering technology. Automate maintenance and performance test procedures saving both time and money whilst providing optimal environmental conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bubll is delivered by a network of fully trained and accredited partners, for more information contact the Bubll Automation team who will be happy to provide contact information for your nearest specialist

If it is an open protocol BMS platform then Bubll will provide simple interfacing and visualisation of both basic and advanced systems.

Due to its comprehensive regionalisation capabilities Bubll can be deployed with complete freedom to select the required user languages.

Bubll will allow you to optimise, control and manage effective operation of your buildings systems and energy consumption along with its occupants requirements. The Bubll interface can span multiple manufacturers’ equipment simultaneously, providing users with enhanced levels of flexibility and functionality not previously considered possible.

The undoubted answer to this is yes. Whether due to its revolutionary Virtual Engineering technology or reduced issues with occupant discomfort, Bubll is not only set to lead the way in ensuring that plant and equipment are fully optimised but also that occupant comfort is understood simultaneously.

In simple terms whoever pays the bill will own the data. Actual ownership will typically be an agreement between the selected Bubll specialist and the building owner/operator.

The Bubll Automation team will be more than happy to discuss any special requirements that you may have with respect to integration to any third party systems or devices.